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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:45134526 DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3685-y
Trace element biogeochemistry in the soil-water-plant systemof a temperate agricultural soil amended with different biochars
Stefanie Kloss & Franz Zehetner & Jannis Buecker &
Eva Oburger & Walter W. Wenzel & Akio Enders &
Johannes Lehmann & Gerhard Soja
Received: 4 April 2014 /Accepted: 1 October 2014 /Published online: 15 October 2014 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Abstract Various biochar (BC) types have been investigated as soil amendment; however, information on their effects on trace element (TE) biogeochemistry in the soil-water-plant system is still scarce. In the present study, we determined aqua-regia (AR) and water-extractable TEs of four BC types (woodchips (WC), wheat straw (WS), vineyard pruning (VP), pyrolyzed at 525 C, of which VP was also pyrolyzed at 400 C) and studied their effects on TE concentrations in leachates and mustard (Sinapis alba L.) tissue in a greenhouse pot experiment. We used an acidic, sandy agricultural soil and a BC application rate of 3 % (w/w). Our results show that contents and extractability of TEs in the BCs and effectuated changes of TE biogeochemistry in the soil-water-plant system strongly varied among the different BC types. High AR-digestable Cu was found in VP and high B contents in WC. WS had the highest impact on TEs
in leachates showing increased concentrations of As, Cd, Mo, and Se, whereas WC application resulted in enhanced leaching of B. All BC types increased Mo and decreased Cu concentrations in the plant tissue; however, they showed diverging effects on Cu in the leachates with decreased concentrations for WC and WS, but increased concentrations for both VPs. Our results demonstrate that BCs may release TEs into the soil-water-plant system. A BC-induced liming effect in acidic soils may lead to decreased plant uptake of cationic TEs, including Pb and Cd, but may enhance the mobility of anionic TEs like Mo and As. We also found that BCs with high salt contents (e.g., straw-based BCs) may lead to increased mobility of both anionic and cationic TEs in the short term.
Keywords Biochar . Heavy metals . Trace elements .
Leaching . Sorption . Plant uptake
Responsible editor: Elena Maestri
S. Kloss : F. Zehetner (*)
Institute of Soil Research, University of Natural...