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The paper presents a pilot case of scientific revision and inventory process in the zoolopical collection of the Georçian National Museum (Tbilisi). By the special decree of the President of Geo^ia, the Georçian National Museum was established in 2004. UnifyinQ fifteen museums, the National Gallery and two scientific centers it is the latest museum complex in the country. Its zooloQical collection is one of the oldest in Caucasia. Amona them are endemic, relict, and other rare species protected by international conventions, and many are listed as endanaered or deleted species in Geo^ia. Consider^ their importance, aae and overall condition of the objects and documentation the reoraanization of zooloaical collections was started as a pilot case in rehabilitation and cataloauina of GNM collections. Complete collections of Arachnidae (Opiliones) were studied and orçanized; Species of the family of Troaulidae, Nemastomatidae, Sclerosomatidae, Phalanaiidae, order Harvestmen (Opiliones) from the class Arachnida, have been identified. There were in total 31 Harvestmen species from 4 families (Troaulidae, Nemastomatidae, Sclerosomatidae, and Phalanaiidae) identified. One species of which - Odieiius zacariensis Mkheidze, 1952, is new for Azerbaijan fauna and four species: Troęuius rossicus Silhavy, 1968, Opiiio sylvestris Sneaovaya 2010, Opiiio caucasicus Sneaovaya 2010, Opiiio nabozhenkoi Sneaovaya 2010 are new for the fauna of Geo^ia. Also two new species: Riiaena keibajarica Sneaovaya et Pkhakadze, 2014 and Phalançiıım mcheidzeae, Sneaovaya, 2014 [5-6] have been described. Museums today aim to become a platform for develop^ and spread^ scientific knowledae. Based on different collections: art, anthropoloay, archaeoloay, natural history etc. - they become unique catalysers for interdisciplinary studies. Object-based scientific collections can open new areas of research across different disciplines. In this reqard manaqement of museum collections, information about them and makinq it accessible for scholars of different research fields and countries is a main task for a modern museum. Therefore, it is crucial to systematize the objects and collections, create new knowledae in collaboration with the academia and museum professionals internationally and promote the scientific knowledae for broader audience. The outcomes of the study will enhance the process of intearation of GNM collections in international museum system and academia.
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1 Georgian National Museum
2 Institute of Zoologv, Azerbaijan, Baku