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Multi-generational marketing is the practice of appealing to the unique needs of individuals within more than one specific generational group, with a generation being a group of individuals born and living about the same time. Multi-generational marketing is based on two founding principles: (1) product needs change with life stages and (2) promotional messages and products targeting these generational groups or cohorts can reflect their generational values which in turn can drive their consumption behavior. As such, an understanding of multi-generational marketing is a very important marketing activity. In fact, creating ageless multi-generational brands is one of the top ten marketing trends over the next 25 years. The purpose of this paper is to describe the various U.S. generations including the times in which they grew up as well as the characteristics, lifestyles, and attitudes of the generation. The paper concludes with general and specific tips for improving the practice of multi-generational marketing.
Multi-generational marketing is the practice of appealing to the unique needs of individuals within more than one specific generational group, with a generation being a group of individuals born and living about the same time (Morris, 1982). Multi-generational marketing is based on two founding principles: (1) product needs change with life stages and (2) promotional messages and products targeting these generational groups or cohorts can reflect their generational values which in turn can drive their consumption behavior. As such, an understanding of multi-generational marketing is a very important marketing activity. In fact, creating ageless multi-generational brands is one of the top ten marketing trends over the next 25 years (Wellner, 2003; Walker, 2003).
However, it is important to recognize that generation is only one factor influencing behavior. In some cases, differences within generation can be larger than differences across generations. Additionally, generations do not have sharp boundaries in that individuals near the age breaks between generations often do not belong clearly to either generation. Also, each generation is typically composed of many distinct segments, for example, Cyber, Hipster, and Goth within Generation Y.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the various U.S. generations including the times in which they grew up as well as the characteristics, lifestyles, and attitudes of the group. The paper will conclude with general...