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This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the human capital management (HCM) practices which include training and development, recruitment and selection, Performance appraisal and employee’s job performance in the telecom sector of Pakistan. To find the influence of HCM practices on employees job performance within telecom sector of Pakistan. This is a survey based research study. The sample of the study is employees’ who are working in public and private sector telecommunication companies in Pakistan. Data are collected through questionnaires. Sample size was (n=272); therefore, descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis have been used. The overall results support that HCM practices have prominent and indispensable role in the performance level of employees; knowledge and skill through training and development, compatibility & competence through recruitment and selection, confidence and morale through performance appraisal. HCM practices are highly correlated with each other and also correlated with employee’s job performance.
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1 Faculty of Technology Management and Business, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia 86400 Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia