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Air Power and Maneuver Warfare. By Martin van Creveld, with Steven L. Canby and Kenneth S. Brower. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.: Air University Press, 1994. Illustrations. Tables. Notes. Appendix. Bibliography. Index. Pp. xvi, 268. (Can be obtained by calling 334/953-6281.)
This is a curiously uneven book, one that reveals as much about its authors' perspectives and biases as it does about airpower and maneuver warfare. While Martin van Creveld's reputation as a military historian of the first rank is beyond question, neither he nor most especially either of his coauthors, Steven L. Canby or Kenneth S. Brower, have any particular background in airpower, which is the primary focus of this volume sponsored by the Air University and published by the Air University Press. It possesses a few strengths and some glaring weaknesses, sometimes in the same section of text. The importance and currency of the subject matter is readily apparent to anyone who reads the military's professional journals, which have presented hundreds of articles and discussions within the past few years alone.
The book contains four major sections, which reveal many of...