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A rich storehouse, or treasurie for the diseased wherein are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue beene long hidden, and not come to light before this time : first set forth for the benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people that are not of abilitie to goe to the physicions / by G.W.
Nom/numéro bibliographique: STC (2nd ed.) / 23611.
A. T., Practitioner in phisicke and chirurgerie. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [24], 317, [1] p. London: Printed by Richard Badger for Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, and are to be sold at the signe of the Golden Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1631.
A. T., Practitioner in phisicke and chirurgerie. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [24], 317, [1] p. London: Printed by Richard Badger for Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, and are to be sold at the signe of the Golden Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1631.
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