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The reasons which compelled the states of Bohemia to reiect the Archiduke Ferdinand &c. & inforced them to elect a new king Togeather. vvith the proposition which was made vppon the first motion of the chocie [sic] of th'Elector Palatine to be King of Bohemia, by the states of that kingdome in their publique assembly on the 16.th of August, being the birth day of the same Elector Palatine. Translated out of the french copies.
ชื่อ/หมายเลขบรรณานุกรม: STC (2nd ed.) / 3212.
Anonymous. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [2], 30, [2] p. Dordrecht: Printet by. George Waters, 1619.
Anonymous. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [2], 30, [2] p. Dordrecht: Printet by. George Waters, 1619.
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