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Friend 1614 a new almanacke and prognostication in which you may behold the state of this present yeere of our Lord God, 1614, being the second yeare from the leape yeare : calculated for the famous citty of London, and generally for all Great Brittaine / by Gabriel Friend ...
Alternate title: Prognostication seruing for this present yeare of our Lord God 1614.; New almanacke and prognostication in which you may behold the state of this present yeere of our Lord God 1614.
Библиографическое название/номер: STC (2nd ed.) / 445.9.
Anonymous. EEBO Lambeth Palace Library records - unstructured. [38] p. :. London: For the Company of Stationers, 1614.
Библиографическое название/номер: STC (2nd ed.) / 445.9.
Anonymous. EEBO Lambeth Palace Library records - unstructured. [38] p. :. London: For the Company of Stationers, 1614.
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