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The whole booke of Psalmes: with their wonted tunes, as they are sung in churches, composed into foure parts: being so placed, that foure may sing each one a seuerall part in this booke : wherein the church tunes are carefully corrected, and thereunto added other short tunes vsually sung in London, and most places of this realme : vvith a table in the beginning of the booke, of such tunes as are nevvly added, and the number of each Psalme placed to the said tune. / composed by X. sundry authors, vvho haue so laboured herein, that the vnskilfull vvith small practise may attaine to sing that part, vvhich is fittest for their voyce..
Alternate title: Whole book of psalms. 1611; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Sternhold and Hopkins. 1611.
Bibliografické číslo/název: STC (2nd ed.) / 2538.5.
Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [2], 274, [4] p. :. London: for the Companie of Stationers, 1611.
Bibliografické číslo/název: STC (2nd ed.) / 2538.5.
Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [2], 274, [4] p. :. London: for the Companie of Stationers, 1611.
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