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The French schoolemaster shewing the true and perfect way of pronouncing the French tongue to the furtherance of those who desire to learn it / first collected by Mr. C.H. and now truly and newly corrected and enriched with many facete proverbs for the delight and benefit of the learner, never printed before, by James Giffard, teacher of the said tongue.
Библиографическое название/номер: Wing / S293C.
Hollyband, Claudius, 16th cent. EEBO University of Illinois Library records - unstructured. 160 [i.e. 319] p. London: Printed by A.W. for Tho. Knight, and are to be sold by John Crook .., 1660.
Hollyband, Claudius, 16th cent. EEBO University of Illinois Library records - unstructured. 160 [i.e. 319] p. London: Printed by A.W. for Tho. Knight, and are to be sold by John Crook .., 1660.
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