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Langley 1636 a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1636 and from the creation 5598, being bissextill or leap yeere : composed for the meridian of the ancient and famous towne of Shrewsbury, & generally for al Great Brittain / by Thomas Langley.
Alternate title: New almanack and prognostication for the yeere ... 1636.
Nom/numéro bibliographique: STC (2nd ed.) / 479.2.
Langley, Thomas. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [50] p. :. London: Printed by T.C. for the Company of Stationers, 1636.
Nom/numéro bibliographique: STC (2nd ed.) / 479.2.
Langley, Thomas. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [50] p. :. London: Printed by T.C. for the Company of Stationers, 1636.
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