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A breife relation of certaine speciall, and most materiall passages, and speeches in the Starre-Chamber occasioned and delivered Iune the 14th. 1637. at the censure of those three worthy gentlemen, Dr. Bastvvicke, Mr. Burton, and Mr. Prynne, as it hath beene truely and faithfully gathered from their owne mouthes by one present at the said censure.
서지 이름/번호: STC (2nd ed.) / 1570.5.
Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. EEBO Folger Shakespeare Library records - unstructured. 30, [2] p. Amsterdam: Richt Right Press], 1638.
Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. EEBO Folger Shakespeare Library records - unstructured. 30, [2] p. Amsterdam: Richt Right Press], 1638.
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