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Of the ende of this worlde, and the seconde commyng of Christ a comfortable and necessary discourse, meete for these miserable and daungerous dayes: in confirmation whereof, certayne speciall prognostications ... are alleged: togeather with an exhortation vnto watchfulnesse.
서지 이름/번호: STC (2nd ed.) / 11804.5.
Geveren, Sheltco à. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [7], 48 leaves. London: [By Thomas Gardyner and Thomas Dawson] nigh vnto the three Cranes in the Vintree, for Andrew Maunsel, dwellyng in Paules Church-yarde, at the signe of the Parret, 1577.
Geveren, Sheltco à. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [7], 48 leaves. London: [By Thomas Gardyner and Thomas Dawson] nigh vnto the three Cranes in the Vintree, for Andrew Maunsel, dwellyng in Paules Church-yarde, at the signe of the Parret, 1577.
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