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The offices of constables, church-wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock, and some other lesser country officers, plainly and lively set forth by William Sheppard.
Nome/Numero bibliografico: Wing / S3203.
Sheppard, William, d. 1675?. EEBO Harvard Law School Library records - unstructured. [221] p. London: Printed by Ric. Hodgkinsonne for Nath. Ekins .., 1657.
Sheppard, William, d. 1675?. EEBO Harvard Law School Library records - unstructured. [221] p. London: Printed by Ric. Hodgkinsonne for Nath. Ekins .., 1657.
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