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A prospect of the most famous parts of the vvorld Viz. Asia, 3 Affrica, 5 Europe, 7 America. 9 VVith these kingdomes therein contained, Grecia, 11 Roman Empire, 13 Germanie, 15 Bohemia, 17 France, 19 Belgia, 21 Spaine, 23 Italie, 25 Hungarie, 27 Denmarke, 29 Poland, 31 Persia, 33 Turkish Empire, 35 Kingdo: of China, 37 Tartaria, 39 Sommer Ilands, 41 Ciuill Warres, in England, Wales, and Ireland. You shall finde placed in the beginning of the second booke marked with these [3 asterisks in triangle formation] and (5) Together with all the prouinces, counties, and shires, contained in that large theator of Great Brittaines empire. Performed by Iohn Speed.
Bibliografische(r) Name/Nummer: STC (2nd ed.) / 23040.
Speed, John, 1552?-1629. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [2], 42 leaves, 43-44 p., 5-6 leaves, 7-8 p. :. London: Printed by Iohn Dawson for George Humble, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Pallace, 1631.
Speed, John, 1552?-1629. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [2], 42 leaves, 43-44 p., 5-6 leaves, 7-8 p. :. London: Printed by Iohn Dawson for George Humble, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Pallace, 1631.
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