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Iniunctions geuen by the Queenes Maiestie Anno Domini. 1559. The fyrst yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady Queene Elizabeth. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis.
Alternate title: Injunctions. 1562
書目名称/編號: STC (2nd ed.) / 10102.3.
Anonymous; Church of England. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [32] p. London: Printed by Richard Jugge and John Cawood, 1562.
書目名称/編號: STC (2nd ed.) / 10102.3.
Anonymous; Church of England. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [32] p. London: Printed by Richard Jugge and John Cawood, 1562.
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