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Thomas Masterson his first booke of arithmeticke Shewing the ingenious inuentions, and figuratiue operations, by which to calculate the true solution or answeres of arithmeticall questions: after a more perfect, plaine, briefe, well ordered arithmeticall way, then any other heretofore published: verie necessarie for all men.
Alternate title: Thomas Masterson his second booke of arithmeticke.
Nombre/número bibliográfico: STC (2nd ed.) / 17648.
Masterson, Thomas. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [8], 21, [7], 141, [1] p. London: By Richard Field, dwelling in the Blacke friers neare Ludgate, 1592.
Nombre/número bibliográfico: STC (2nd ed.) / 17648.
Masterson, Thomas. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [8], 21, [7], 141, [1] p. London: By Richard Field, dwelling in the Blacke friers neare Ludgate, 1592.
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