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Hemerologium astronomicum in annum æræ Christianæ 1664. Or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of mans redemption 1664 Being bissextile or leap-year, and from the Creation of the world 5615. Containing the places of the sun and moon, their rising, southing, and setting, with their conjunctions and aspects. Together with a discourse of the year. Furnished with variety of rules, and tables astronomical, and vulgar, of dayly use for most men. Calculated exactly for the meridian of London, and may very well serve all England. By William Conyers, Philom.
Bibliografické číslo/název: Wing (2nd ed., 1994) / A1467A.
Conyers, William, fl. 1664. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [48] p. :. London: printed by James Cottrel, for the Company of Stationers, 1664.
Conyers, William, fl. 1664. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [48] p. :. London: printed by James Cottrel, for the Company of Stationers, 1664.
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