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A discourse by way of essay humbly offer'd to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons, towards the raising moneys by an excise demonstrating the conveniency of raising moneys that way : together with an enumeration of some certain particular commodities, whereupon an annual receipt of one million may be presently settled, and with the same ease to the people, as any other part of His Majesty's revenue whatsoever / W.C., Esq.
Alternate title: Discourse towards the raising of moneys by an excise.
Nome/Numero bibliografico: Wing / C150.
W. C., Esq. EEBO University of Illinois Library records - unstructured. [2], 22 p. London: Printed for the authour, 1696.
Nome/Numero bibliografico: Wing / C150.
W. C., Esq. EEBO University of Illinois Library records - unstructured. [2], 22 p. London: Printed for the authour, 1696.
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