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Declaration of generall corruption of religion, Scripture and all learning; wrought by D. Bilson While he breedeth a new opinion, that our Lord went from Paradise to Gehenna, to triumph over the devills. To the most reverend Father in God Iohn W.H. Doct. in Divinitie, and Metropolitan of England. By Hugh Broughton.
Bibliografické číslo/název: STC (2nd ed.) / 3856.
Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. EEBO Cambridge University Library records - unstructured. [8] p. Middelburg: Printed by Richard Schilders], 1604.
Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. EEBO Cambridge University Library records - unstructured. [8] p. Middelburg: Printed by Richard Schilders], 1604.
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