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The practice of repentance laid downe in sundry directions, together with the helps, lets, signes and motiues. In an easie method, according to the table prefixed. By Thomas Taylor, Dr. in Diuinity.
Библиографическое название/номер: STC (2nd ed.) / 23846.
Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [26], 395, [1] p. :. London: Printed [by H. Lownes] for I. Bartlet at the gilt Cup in Cheapeside, 1629.
Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [26], 395, [1] p. :. London: Printed [by H. Lownes] for I. Bartlet at the gilt Cup in Cheapeside, 1629.
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