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[A most pleasant comedy of Mucedorus the Kings sonne of Valentia, and Amadine the Kings daughter of Aragon With the merry conceits of Mouse. Amplified with new additions, as it was acted before the Kings Maiesty at Whitehall, on Shrouesunday night. By his Highnesse Seruants, vsually playing at the Globe. Very delectable, and full of conceited mirth.]
Alternate title: Mucedorus.
Bibliographic name/number: Greg / I, 151(k); STC (2nd ed.) / 18238.5.
Anonymous. EEBO Trinity College Library, University of Cambridge records - unstructured. [48] p. London: by George Purslowe for John Wright, 1629.
Bibliographic name/number: Greg / I, 151(k); STC (2nd ed.) / 18238.5.
Anonymous. EEBO Trinity College Library, University of Cambridge records - unstructured. [48] p. London: by George Purslowe for John Wright, 1629.
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