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A plaine refutation of M. G. Giffardes reprochful booke, intituled a short treatise against the Donatists of England Wherein is discouered the forgery of the whole ministrie, the confusion, false worship, and antichristian disorder of these parish assemblies, called the Church of England. Here also is prefixed a summe of the causes of our seperation ... by Henrie Barrovve. Here is furder annexed a briefe refutation of M. Giff. supposed consimilituda betwixt the Donatists and vs ... by I. Gren. Here are also inserted a fewe obseruations of M. Giff. his cauills about read prayer & deuised leitourgies.
Alternate title: Short treatise against the Donatists of England, whome we call Brownists; Plaine declaration that our Brownists be full Donatists, by comparing them together from point to point out of the writings of Augustine.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 1523.
Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [20], 64, 64-123, 123-255, [3] p. Dordrecht: S.n.], 1591.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 1523.
Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured. [20], 64, 64-123, 123-255, [3] p. Dordrecht: S.n.], 1591.
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