A tolleration sent down from heaven to preach, or, Godly religious meetings, and true gospell preachers, praying and preaching, in other places then parish churches and chappels, justified by the highest powers, and signally owned by testimonies from heaven, ought not to be condemned or forbiden, but rather allowed and tollerated by men upon earth and likewise what it is to preach according to the laws and statutes of the kingdome, as the matter of preaching, not punishable by the act against nonconformists : also concerning the by R.F.
Alternate title: Tolleration sent down from heaven to preach.; Godly religious meetings and true gospel preachers.
书目名/号: Wing / F508. R. F. d. 1666.
EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured.
[2], 37 p. London:
s.n.], 1665.