The countreys plea against tythes. A declaration sent to divers eminent ministers in severall parishes of their kingdome, shewing the grounds and causes wherefore tythes ought to be detained: proving by Gods Word and morall reason, that tythes are not due to ministers of the Gospell; and that the law for tythes was a Leviticall law, and to indure no longer than the Leviticall priesthood did; and that there being a change of the priesthood, there ought to be also a change of maintenance thereof. Written for the generall benefit of all, as well ministers as people. Published according to order.
ชื่อ/หมายเลขบรรณานุกรม: Thomason / E.366[9]; Wing (2nd ed., 1994) / C6572. Anonymous.
EEBO British Library records - unstructured.
[2], 10 p. London:
Printed for S.P, 1646.