A seasonable word to the Parliament-men, to take with them when they go into the House: wherein is shewed, the first part of their present work, and what is expected from them, to satisfie their true and real friends. Likewise a vvatchword, how they prefer not again such persons to places of trust who have lately betrayed the priviledges of Parliaments, and the just rights of the people, into the hands of a single person. By John Canne.
ชื่อ/หมายเลขบรรณานุกรม: Thomason / E.983[1]; Wing (2nd ed., 1994) / C442. Canne, John, d. 1667?.
EEBO British Library records - unstructured.
[2], 6 p. London:
printed by J.C. for L. Chapman, 1659.