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Confident newes from Ireland being a letter sent from Mr. William Philips, merchant, dwelling in Dublin to Mr. William Baber, a worthy friend of his, and one of the gentlemen of the Inner-Temple : certifying how one of the rebels flying from his confederates into Dublin, related to Sir Charles Coot their damnable designes, who making it known to Sir Simon Harcott and the rest of the justices, they suddenly issued forth, and beating them out of their works, slew 800 of them with small losse : a relation that is reall, and not coin'd according to invention meerly for press profit, but to satisfie many whom it may concern, who cannot be resolv'd by one mans private letter.
Библиографическое название/номер: Wing / P2040. Philips, William, Merchant.
EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured.
[2], 6 p. London:
Printed for Robert Wood, 1641.