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The planetary instrument. Or The description and use of the theories of the planets drawn in true proportion, either in one, or two plates, of eight inches diameter; by Walter Hayes, at the Cross-Daggers in Moor-Fields. Being excellent schemes ot help the conceptions of young astronomers; and ready instruments for finding the distances, longitudes, latitudes, aspects, directions, stations, and retrogradations of the planets; either mechanically, or arithmetically; with ease and speed. By Mr. John Palmer, rector of Ecton, and arch-deacon of Northampton.
Nazwa/numer bibliograficzny: Wing (2nd ed.) / P249. Palmer, John, 1612-1679.
EEBO British Library records - unstructured.
6 p., [2] leaves of plates (1 folded). London:
printed for Walter Hayes, 1685.