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The merchants remonstrance published in the time of the late warre, revived and inlarged : wherein is set forth the inevitable miseries which may suddenly befall this kingdome by want of trade and decay of manufactures : with copy of a letter to the Kings Majestie presented unto him at Hampton Court, October 30, 1647 : shewing, 1, the want of such a due regard as was fit for the preservation of trade in the time of the late warre, 2, some of the bad effects it hath since produced, 3, the offer of the authors opinion what may best bee done for remedy : also, a letter to the Right Honourable the two Houses of Parliament, to the army under the command of His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, and to the rest of His Majesties subjects in generall : whereunto is annexed a discourse of the excellencie of wooll, manifested by the improvement in its manufactures, and the great good thence arising before the late warre / by John Battie ...
Alternate title: Briefe discourse of the excellency of wooll.; To the clothiers.
Nazwa/numer bibliograficzny: Wing / B1158. Battie, John.
EEBO The Huntington Library records - unstructured.
[8], 38 p. London:
Printed by Ric. Cotes for William Hope .., 1648.