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An account of the tryal of Charles Bateman, chirurgeon, for high- treason, in conspiring the death of the late King and the subversion of the government &c. who was tryed and found guilty, at Justice-Hall in the Old Bayly, on the 9th of December, 1685. The tryals of John Holland and William Davis, for conspiring against, violently assaulting, and without any warrantable cause, imprisoning William Chancey ... who were tryed and found guilty ... on the 10th of December, 1685. As also the tryals of John Holland, William Davis, and Agnes Wearing, for a notorious burglary and felony ... in the house of Leonel Gatford ... who were tryed and found guilty ... on the 11th of December, 1685.
Nazwa/numer bibliograficzny: Wing (2nd ed.) / A415. Anonymous.
EEBO William Andrews Clark Memorial Library records - unstructured.
[2], 18 p. London:
Printed for D. Mallet, 1685.