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The way to glory, or, The preaching of the Gospell is the ordinary meanes of our saluation wherein is shewed what difference there is betweene the text of the Gospell, and the preaching, exposition, and glosse thereof : with a confutation of our aduersaries opinion, that the Popes defining and expounding Scriptures ex Cathedra, is to bee beleeued as vndoubted truth ... : herein also is shewed the dignity and necessity of the office of preaching the Gospell ... : preached in the Cathedrall Church of S. Paules, for the Crosse sermon, the tenth of December, 1620 / by Ro. Iohnson Bachelour of Diunity.
Nome/Numero bibliografico: STC (2nd ed.) / 14693.5. Johnson, Ro.
EEBO Lambeth Palace Library records - unstructured.
[8], 45 p. London:
Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to sold by Iohn Pyper, 1621.