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Willsfords arithmetick, naturall, and artificiall: or, decimalls. Containing the science of numbers, digested in three books. Made compendious and facile for all ingenious capacities, viz: merchants, citizens, sea-men, accomptants, &c. Together with the theorie and practice united in a sympathetical proportion betwixt lines and numbers, in their quantitites and qualities, as in respect of form, figure, magnitude and affection: demonstrated by geometrie, illustrated by calculations, and confirmed with variety of examples in every species. / By Thomas Willsford, Gent.
Alternate title: Second book shewing the extracting of square & cubique roots, &c.; Artificiall arithmetick: or, numbers divided into sections, and these in chapters.
Nama/nomor bibliografis: Thomason / E.1584[1]; Wing (2nd ed.) / W2874. Willsford, Thomas.
EEBO British Library records - unstructured.
[36], 335, [5] p. :. London:
Printed by J.G. for Nath: Brooke at the Angel in Cornhill, 1656.