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Sion's prospect in it's first view. Presented in a summary of divine truths, consenting with the faith profess'd by the Church of England, confirmed from scripture and reason: illustrated by instance and allusion. Compos'd and publish'd to be an help for the prevention of apostacy, conviction of heresy, confutation of error, and establishing in the truth, by a minister of Christ, and son of the church, R.M. quondam è Coll ̊S.P.C.
Nombre/número bibliográfico: Thomason / E.800[1]; Wing (2nd ed.) / M2868. Mossom, Robert, d. 1679.
EEBO British Library records - unstructured.
[26], 104 p. London:
Printed by T: N: for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at the sign of the Princes-Arms in St Pauls Church-yard, 1652.