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An act for the more certain and constant supply of the soldiery with pay; and the preventing of any further oppression or damage to the people by free-quarter or billet. Die Sabbathi, 12 Maii, 1649 ... At the Committee of Safety at VVhite-Hall. This committee being acquainted with the great necessities of the armies of this Commonwealth for want of pay, and being desirous, as much as in them lies to prevent the mischiefs and inconveniencies which may fall upon the people of this Commonwealth by free-quarter, wherein great care was taken by the Parliament in the year 1649. upon the like extreme emergencies as are at this present ... The Committee have thought fit to order that the said act of Parliament be reprinted and published ... William Robinson clerk of the Committee of Safety.
Nombre/número bibliográfico: Thomason / E.1074[24]; Wing (2nd ed., 1994) / E1114. Anonymous; England and Wales.
EEBO British Library records - unstructured.
16 p. London:
printed by Henry Hills and John Field, printers to the Committee of Safety, 1659.