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A discovery of subterraneall treasure viz. of all manner of mines and mineralls, from the gold to the coale; with plaine directions and rules for the finding of them in all kingdoms and countries. And also the art of melting, refining, and assaying of them is plainly declared, so that every ordinary man, that is indifferently capacious, may with small change presently try the value of such oares as shall be found either by rule or by accident. Whereunto is added a reall experiment whereby every ignorant man may presently try whether any peece of gold that shal come to his hands be true or connterfeit [sic] ... Also a perfect way to try what colour any berry, leafe, flower, stalke, root, fruit, seed, barke, or wood will give: with a perfect way to make colours that they shall not stayne nor fade like ordinary colours. ...
Bibliografische(r) Name/Nummer: STC (2nd ed.) / 20000. Plattes, Gabriel, fl. 1638-1640.
EEBO British Library records - unstructured.
[12], 60 p. London:
By I. Okes, for Iasper Emery, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Eagle and Child in Pauls Church-yard next Watlin-street, 1639.