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NAMEDROPS KEEP FALLING (Sung to the tune of you know-what!): Thanks to the film festival, of course, San Francisco has been practically awash with celebrities the past ten days or so. However, totally aside from festival festivities, the list of celebrated visitors here this week and due during the next ten days reads somewhat like a Celebrity Roster. In town this past Tuesday was JOAN CRAWFORD, who was here to publicize her new book, "MY WAY OF LIFE" (Simon & Schuster, $7.50). This is definitely a book for women and while I skimmed it, I'm afraid I'm not exactly qualified to report much on it (beauty secrets, posture, dress, etcetera).....then on Wednesday, another author, HUGH JOHNSON arrived to promote his book. It was "THE WORLD ATLAS OF WINE" (Simon & Schuster, $25.00, but available prior to March 1972 for $22.95!) Mr. Johnson, who was born in London in 1939 (a mere: youngster!), was at one time the wine columnist for House & Garden magazine and he has compiled an awesomely impressive book replete with 143 full-color maps of wine regions and which was 8 years in the preparation. Hopefully I'll have a more detailed report next week . . . Mr. Johnson and a few of his tips on wine....While arriving this Friday, Oct. 15, will be actor RICHARD CRENNA, who will be here promoting HIS new film, "CATLOW," a MGM film which opens next Wed., Oct. 20, at the Alhambra theatre and has Crenna and YUL BRYNNER as two friends who find themselves on opposite sides of the law in post-Civil War Texas. The gals involved are DALIAH LAVI and JO ANN PFLUG I should have more on RICHARD CRENNA after lunching with him Friday....Then arriving next Monday, Oct. 18, will be STANLEY KRAMER, who'll also be honored by Columbia Pictures with a luncheon to talk about HIS new film, "BLESS THE BEASTS AND CHILDREN," which opens on Oct. 20 at the UA Stonestown Cinema. This strikes me as the most unusual film Stanley Kramer ever made and I'll have some . . . comment from Mr. Kramer following the luncheon....Adding . . . lustre to the "visiting firemen" list on Oct. 26 will be JACK LEMMON and WALTER MATTHAU, who will be promoting THEIR new film "KOTCH," in which Matthau stars as a septuagenarian with Lemmon making his debut as a film director (opening date and place of this film unknown as these lines are written). With this impressive array of visitors, it would certainly appear that there is indeed no rest for the weary. wicked or working press!