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Xchange (MA)
Director: Allan Moyle
Starring: Stephen Baldwin, Kyle MacLachlan
Plot: Man's body is "hijacked" by urban terrorist
DVD features: Trailer
THIS low-budget sci-fi thriller, optimistically billing itself as a cross between The Matrix and Face/Off, is one of those so-bad- it's-funny films and doesn't come remotely close to either.
Xchange, a technology of the near future, allows humans to exchange consciousness with others.
Corporate raider Toffler (Kim Coates) is a reluctant first-time Xchanger. Unluckily for him, his maiden switch places his consciousness into the body of Fisk (MacLachlan), a terrorist.
Toffler later Xchanges into the body of a clone (Baldwin) and attempts to, um, find himself. Sound stupid? You bet.
While the idea of swapping minds and bodies has many interesting implications, director Moyle's exploration of the idea doesn't go far beyond Xchangers having sex.
He also proves totally inept at staging action, and fails to coax much more than a sleepy performance from one of the lesser Baldwins.