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U ovoj studiji smo se bavili net artom kao segmentom nove medijskotehnološke kulture kako bismo vidjeli na koji način se ona odnosi prema stvarnosti i kontekstu identiteta internetskih korisnika i sudionika u toj kulturi. Pod pojmom net art ovdje smo podrazumijevali oblike savremenih umjetničkih (ali i kulturnih) praksi koje odražavaju uticaj interneta i tehnologije na društvo i pojedinca, ali tako da na najbolji način odslikavaju savremenu društveno-tehnološku stvarnost. Metodom studije slučaja, kroz predstavljeni teorijski okvir i izabrani korpus od četrdeset umjetničkih djela iz domena net arta, preispitane su specifične osobine konteksta identiteta korisnika. Posmatrali smo ih kroz: odnos fizičkog i virtuelnog/onlajn okruženja, kroz slojevitost i mogućnost izgradnje višestrukog selfa, mogućnost auto-re-prezentacije i ostvarenja teleprisustva, autorefleksivnost i varijabilnost, kao iskustvo spajanja tijela i uređaja te, na kraju, kao umreženo interaktivno djelovanje. Navedeno istraživanje je pokazalo da je sve što nas okružuje postalo dio stvarnosti koju ne čine samo fizičko okruženje i prostor tjelesnosti u kojem se krećemo. Stvarnost je proširena za virtuelnu stvarnost koja je vještačka po prirodi, ali opet stvarna, a prostor u kome boravimo je postao sajber prostor, ali ne u smislu u kojem ga je shvatio Vilijem Gibson (William Gibson) – kao prostor u koji korisnici mogu ući kad požele, već kao prostor u kome se neprestano nalazimo. Zahvaljujući kamerama na ulici, na našim uređajima i u rukama, postali smo dijelom sajber stvarnosti. Rezultati istraživanja, koje smo interpretirali u okviru pojma liminalnosti (prelaznosti) Viktora Tarnera (Victor Turner), pokazali su da, kao korisnici savremene kulture (net arta), postojimo između graničnih stanja novih okruženja. Živeći na pragu između fizičkog i virtuelnog, između prirodnog i vještačkog, između biologije i tehnologije, zapali smo u svojevrsnu prelaznu fazu u kojoj smo izgubili stari identitet a novi još nismo pronašli.

Alternate abstract:

In this study, we addressed net art as a segment of the new media technology culture to see how it relates to the reality and context of the identity of Internet users and participants in that culture. By the term net art here we mean forms of contemporary artistic (but also cultural) practices that reflect the impact of the Internet and technology on society and the individual, but in the way they best reflect contemporary socio-technological reality. Using the case study method, through the presented theoretical framework and selected corpus of forty works of art from the domain of net art, specific features of the context of user identity were examined. We observed them through: the relationship between physical and virtual/online environment, layering and the ability to build multiple self, the ability to selfre- present and achieve telepresence, self-reflexivity and variability, as an experience of connecting body and devices and, finally, as a networking. The above research has shown that everything that surrounds us has become part of a reality that is not only made up of the physical environment and the body space in which we move. Reality has been augmented for a virtual reality that is artificial in nature but still real, and the space we live in has become cyberspace, but not in the sense in which it was understood by William Gibson – as a space that users can enter whenever they want, but as a space in which we are constantly. Thanks to cameras on the street, on our devices and in our hands, we have become part of the cyber reality. The results of the research, which we interpreted within the notion of liminality (a threshold) of Victor Turner, showed that, as users of contemporary culture (net art), we exist between the boundary states of new environments. Living on the threshold between the physical and the virtual, between the natural and the artificial, between biology and technology, we fell into a kind of transition phase in which we lost our old identity but have not yet found a new one.


Kontekst Identiteta u Net Artu (Fenomen Prelaznosti u Sajber Stvarnosti)
Janjetović, Ljubica
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.