
Jedna klasa sistema za generisanje I distribuciju kriptoloških ključeva zasnovana na više biometrijskih modaliteta

Gavrilović, Jelena.   Singidunum University (Serbia) ProQuest Dissertations & Theses,  2022. 30946482.

Abstract (summary)

U uvodnom delu navedeni su osnovní motivi i opšta razmatranja za razvoj nove klase sistema koja će značajno unaprediti performanse postojećih sistema za jednim biometrijskim modalitetom. Detaljno će biti obrazložen predmet istraživanja, očekivani doprinosi i struktura disertacije.

U drugom delu razmatramo opšte stanje u oblasti istraživanja, na osnovu najnovijih naučnih saznanja vezanih za ove dve klase biometrijskih sistema. Uočavamo nedostatke postojećih višemodalnih biometrijskih sistema, kako bi preciznije istakli doprinose ovog rada.

U trećem delu rada obrazložene su teorijske osnove istraživanja. Primena teorije informacije u proceni kvaliteta biometrijskog izvora informacije.

U četvrtom delu definisani su osnovi pojmovi biometrije i biometrijskih sistema. Opisana je primena različitih strategija fuzije za kombinovanje više biometrijskih izvora. Principi donošenja odluke u slučaju primene u servisima autentifikacije ili provere regenerisanih ključeva u kriptografskim svrhama. Bezbednosni aspekti sistema za generisanje i distribuciju ključeva iz domena biometrijske kriptografije.

U petom delu rada predstavljena je predloženu šemu biometrijskog sistema koji koristi više biometrijskih modaliteta u svrhu generisanja kvalitetnih kriptoloških ključeva dovoljnih dužina za primenu u kriptografskim šiframa u 21 veku. Analizu pojedinačnih komponenti sistema za merenjem performansi koji će učiniti ovaj sistem prihvatljivim za upotrebu. eksperimentalni rezultati. Uradena je bezbednosna analiza sistema.

U poslednjem, šestom delu rada dat je zaključak. Sumirani su svi ciljevi koji su postavljeni na početku istraživanja. Dati su svi ostvareni rezultati i doprinosi u radu. Razmatrane su moguće oblasti u kojima se rešenje može primeniti. Kao osnovne oblasti primene identifikovani su skoro svi kripto sistemi, prvenstveno oni sistemi koji su od izuzetne važnosti za informacionu bezbednost jedne države u skladu sa postojećim softverskim i hardverskim rešenjima.

Šesto poglavlje predstavlja zaključak. Prikazan je rezultat i doprinos disertacije. U istom poglavlju predstavljen je i predlog daljeg rada.

Alternate abstract:

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In the introductory part, the basic motives and general considerations for the development of a new class of systems that will significantly improve the performance of existing systems for one biometric modality are listed. The subject of the research, the expected contributions and the structure of the dissertation will be explained in detail.

In the second part, we consider the general situation in the field of research, based on the latest scientific knowledge related to these two classes of biometric systems. We note the shortcomings of the existing multimodal biometric systems, in order to more precisely highlight the contributions of this work.

The theoretical foundations of the research are explained in the third part of the paper. Application of information theory in assessing the quality of a biometric source of information.

In the fourth part, the basic concepts of biometrics and biometric systems are defined. The application of different fusion strategies for combining multiple biometric sources is described. Decision-making principles in case of application in authentication services or verification of regenerated keys for cryptographic purposes. Security aspects of systems for generating and distributing keys from the domain of biometric cryptography.

In the fifth part of the paper, the proposed scheme of the biometric system is presented, which uses several biometric modalities for the purpose of generating high-quality cryptological keys of sufficient length for use in cryptographic codes in the 21st century. Analysis of individual system components for performance measurement that will make this system acceptable for use. experimental results. A security analysis of the system has been done.

The conclusion is given in the last, sixth part of the paper. All goals that were set at the beginning of the research are summarized. All achieved results and contributions in the work are given. Possible areas where the solution can be applied were considered. Almost all crypto systems have been identified as the basic areas of application, primarily those systems that are extremely important for the information security of a country in accordance with existing software and hardware solutions.

The sixth chapter is the conclusion. The result and contribution of the dissertation are presented. In the same chapter, a proposal for further work is presented.

Indexing (details)

Computer engineering;
Computer science;
Information technology
0489: Information Technology
0984: Computer science
0464: Computer Engineering
Identifier / keyword
Biometric systems; Biometric cryptography; Hardware solutions
Jedna klasa sistema za generisanje I distribuciju kriptoloških ključeva zasnovana na više biometrijskih modaliteta
Alternate title
One Class of Systems for Generating and Distributing Cryptologic Keys Based on Multiple Biometric Modalities
Gavrilović, Jelena
Number of pages
Publication year
Degree date
School code
DAI-B 85/10(E), Dissertation Abstracts International
Adamović, Saša
Committee member
Veinović, Mladen; Kovačević, Branko
Singidunum University (Serbia)
University location
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Document type
Dissertation/thesis number
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.
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