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The triamides shown below form discotic liquid crystalline phases with intermolecular hydrogen bonding stabilizing the columnar structure, A and B. The mesomorphic orientations of the columns are dependent on the amide side chain. Three mesophasic orientations are described: columns aligned perpendicular to the surface, columns aligned parallel to the surface in a radial pattern, and columns aligned parallel to the surface in a parallel or aligned pattern. The aggregation of the tridodecyloxy-triamides show N-H shifting in the IR at elevated temperatures, an indication that hydrogen bonding is important in the association of liquid crystalline mesophases. Powder X-ray diffraction studies indicate packing of the columns into a hexagonal lattice.*

Studies on triamides with chiral side chains result in molecules stacking into columns displaying a helical pitch. In concentrated solutions of dodecane, molecules with chiral side chains display behavior consistent with chiral nematic liquid crystals; a super helical packing of the chiral columns. These superhelical packed systems show temperature dependent selective reflection of visible light and fingerprint textures. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) confirms in sub-monolayer films, that molecules preferring an edge-on orientation form long columns on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), those that prefer a face-on orientation form large amorphous domains. Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) images of the domains of molecules in the edge-on orientation provides no discernible polarity, imaging of the domains of molecules in the face-on orientation indicates a negative polar orientation.

Scanning probe measurements (SPM) of the tridodecynyl-triamide have shown similar edge-on orientations of other tridodecyloxy-triamides. Powder X-ray diffraction of these liquid crystalline phases shows a hexagonal packing of the columnar assembly. Electro-optic switching studies indicate a piezoelectric switching mechanism, possibly anti- or ferroelectric.

Molecules based on the tridodecynyl-triamide motif with surface active amide side chains have been used to create rigid receptor like monolayers on gold surfaces. SPM imaging of these covalently surface bound molecules indicates features that are consistent with the dimensions of the molecules. These surface bound receptors are shown to bind tightly to molecules with similar C3-symmetry and selectively bind complementary molecules from a solution of a dissymmetric molecules, as detected by fluorescence spectroscopy of the resulting bilayer.

*Please refer to dissertation for diagrams.


Hydrogen bonding discotic liquid crystals: Synthesis, self -assembly, and molecular recognition
Bushey, Mark Lawrence
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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