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When a man in an established relationship develops erectile dysfunction, this may affect his wife/partner in ways beyond the sexual. The primary objectives of this qualitative study were to gain a richer understanding of the experience of women who were or had been in established relationships in which the men developed erectile dysfunction. The research design was an exploratory qualitative study using thematic content analysis of semistructured interviews of a convenience sample of women (N = 15) who volunteered for participation, with demographic data collected via a researcher designed tool. Their stories were elicited, audiotaped, and transcribed. The interview transcripts were systematically analyzed for thematic content. The emerging key themes of their shared and unique experiences were described and compared. The study demonstrates the complex dynamics of the relationship and self-concept for the women. Through the analysis of each woman‘s interview, the elements of emotional intimacy were found to be more important than physical intimacy for the women. The ethic of care and responsibility was a prime motivator and spiritual resources were found to be less important. The literature review begins with a review of literature explaining and describing the approach of transpersonal psychology to life in general, and to sexuality in general. It then presents an historical overview of relationship theorists and treatment models, before moving on to the dominant themes that emerged from the content analysis iv of the semistructured interviews and the research that addresses these areas of questioning. The experiences of women in other socioeconomic, ethnic, culture, time, and occasion groups require further study. The significance of the study is discussed with application for further research. Implications for transpersonal psychology as well as medical and spiritual fields are noted.


Telling women's stories: Women's experiences of being in established relationships in which the men developed erectile dysfunction
Childs, Kay Jeanine King
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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