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The rise of the graded choir movement in the Southern Baptist Convention has been one of the most important developments in the denomination's history. Frances W. Winters is a pioneer in this development. She was among the first to implement a fully-graded choir program in a Southern Baptist church when, in July 1941, she and her husband Donald Winters began work as ministers of music at the First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia. After establishing this program, she went to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, to begin The School of Church Music. She taught at Southern Seminary from 1943-1952 and later taught at William Carey College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, 1958-74, 1976. Her influence has, therefore, been far reaching.

The purpose of this dissertation is to provide accurate historical documentation of Frances Winters's education, influence, teaching, writing and contribution to Southern Baptist music.

Chapter 1 chronicles Frances Winters's early life in Greeley, Colorado; her college days at Denison University and Case Western Reserve University; and her acquaintance with H. Augustine Smith and John Finley Williamson.

Chapter 2 examines her study at Westminster Choir College where she studied with Elizabeth Van Fleet Vosseler and John Finley Williamson. She observed teaching at the Dalcroze School of Music, New York City, and at St. Thomas Choir School with T. Tertius Noble; sang with conductors Arturo Toscannini, Sir John Barbarolli and Sergei Rachmaninoff and became acquainted with the Chorister's Guild and its founders Ruth Krehbiel Jacobs and Arthur Leslie Jacobs.

Chapter 3, The Atlanta Years, records the music ministry begun at First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, by Frances and Donald Winters and Ellis A. Fuller, pastor. This program became a model for other churches in establishing similar programs and influenced curriculum in the newly-formed music department of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Chapter 4 examines Frances Winters's role in the founding of the School of Church Music at Southern Seminary, her teaching, and her continued study.

Chapter 5 evaluates Frances Winters's contributions to William Carey College, to Baptist music in Mississippi and deals with her publications..


The influence of Frances W. Winters on the development and philosophy of the graded choir movement in the Southern Baptist Convention
Bradley, Charles Randall
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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