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Toplumsal yasamda aile, bireytere icinde yasadsklars toplumun defer ve yargilarian dzgreten birincil toplumsallasma kurumu olarak éne cikar. Ailenin bireyleria toplumsal hayata kathmlarindaki bu rol farkh alanlara da yansmmaktedir. Bu alanlardan biri siyasal alan olarak karginuza chkmaktadir. Bireyter siyasal alana dair bilger ediamede birtakam araci kurundara ihtlvac duyar. Aileler birincil siyasal toplumsallagma aracilars olarak bireylerin siyasal alana iliskin algs, vorumdama ve eylem semalarinin olusumuna etki ederler. Bu bajilamda aileler sahip oldugu siyasal sermayevi siyasal toplumsallagsma sirecinde kusaktan kusaga aktararak, aile ve siyaset iliskisinin yeniden Gretilmesini sajlar.

Bu calgma Pierre Bourdiew’néa Aaditus ve alan yaklassmundan hareketle allenin sivasal alanda konumlanan genclerin siyasal toplumsallagsma silrecinde kazandklari siyaset algrsi, slyasal disfince ve eytem semalarmm olusumundaki roldn@ ortaya gkarmay: amaclamaktadir. Caltgmaaa verileri 2014 vilnin Mart-Mayts aylary arasinda izmir'de yasayan ve siyasal alanda konunlanan sekiz geng ve aile dyelerinaden biri ile yapilan yar-yapilandiniims mialakatlara dayaamaktadr.

Alternate abstract:

In social life, the family come into prominence as primary socialization Institution that teaches to the individuals the values and judgments of the society they live. That role of the family on participation of individuals in social participation is reflected also at different flelds. One of those fields confront us as political field. Individuals need some agents as to be informed on political fleld. Families, as the primary agents of political pocialization, effects on schemata of perception, classification and action about political field. Ia this context, families allows the reproduction of relation of family and politics by passing political capital from geueration to generation in the political socialization process.

This thesis, by taking Pierre Bourdiew’s habitus and field theory oa basis, alms to analyze the role of family on schemata of political perception, political classification and political action that was gained by young people who Jocated in political field at political soctalization process. Data of the study was obtained through semi-structured Interviews with eight young people who located in political field and one of thelr familt members who live ia izmir between dates March-May 2014.


Aile ve Siyasetin Yeniden Üretimi: Siyasal Toplumsallaşmada Ailenin Etkisi
Altun, Evşen
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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