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Amidst the prevalent discourse advocating for a shift toward a more just and sustainable form of capitalism, there is a growing acknowledgment that business education, perhaps more than business practices themselves, inadvertently perpetuates approaches to wealth creation that erode ecological systems and societal relationships. Recognizing the inherent lack of value-neutrality in business education, this study explores the implicit worldviews embedded in the teaching and learning processes. Employing diffractive autoethnography, the narrative intricately weaves together a broad sociomaterial assemblage that serves as both a mirror and a lens. This approach reveals the significance of entanglement and material-discursive elements and illuminates alternative modes of cognition that serve to cultivate awareness and challenge assumptions. Contributing to the discourse on transformative learning and change, this research aims to transcend binary divides and to encourage epistemological curiosity and relational ontology within the landscape of business education.
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