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So it won't win an Oscar. Or even play in a real movie theater. So what.
At least the movie written by Gary Gerani, a wide-eyed Sherman Oaks science-fiction fan, got made. At least "Vampirella" - sort of "Dracula" meets "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." meets "Star Wars" - premieres on Showtime this weekend as part of the "Roger Corman Presents" series.
The mini-franchise produces 13 cheap-but-cool, monster-and-mayhem flicks a year. And, in celebration of his shot at small-screen glory, Gerani shares how to get a lifelong passion onto the screen in 10 easy steps. (Warning: This might not work for your screenplay, especially if it isn't about vampires from outer space.)
1. Become an expert on a comic book character with a cult following. Gerani has spent almost 30 years studying Vampirella, a slinky lady vampire from the planet Draculon. He has old comic books, original paintings, models, all kinds of stuff. He even edited a series of related trading cards for Topps Co. The fan knows the vampire's ins and outs, the way her outfit fits and how her planet's rivers flow with blood, how she came to Earth and why she feels the need to hunt down evil bloodsuckers. And this knowledge paid...