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One of the most eagerly awaited comic books of 1999 finally is here.
It was worth the wait.
It's "Rising Stars," published by Top Cow Productions and created and written by J. Michael Straczynski, the creator of TV's "Babylon 5" and its spinoff, "Crusade."
Fans' appetites were whetted earlier this year by both the "Rising Stars Preview" and Wizard's "Rising Stars" No. 0; now the series actually is under way.
"Rising Stars," a 24-issue, creator-owned maxiseries, follows the lives of 113 people throughout 60-plus years. Those 113, known as "Specials," are born in the months after a flash of light - perhaps a comet - shatters the darkness one night in 1969, slamming into the small town of Pederson, Ill. All those in utero at the time eventually are blessed - or cursed - with super powers.
Flight. Super strength. Invulnerability. Telepathy. Powers not new to comics. But Straczynski - a lifelong comics fan with a special affection for Superman - delves deeply into what it would really be like to have such powers. The world of "Rising Stars" is not one already filled...