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With the continuous development of information society, block chain technology can play an extremely important role in many fields. However, with the increasing degree of communication in the information society, a huge amount of data is generated. How to protect the information data generated in the process of communication has become a more serious problem at present. In its earliest stages, blockchain technology was used only for cryptocurrency transactions. Under the general directory, there are a lot of sub-accounts, and these sub-accounts are all valuable accounts, and the data is stored in different blocks in different chains. Judging from the current application of blockchain technology, the application of this technology can guarantee the security of data storage. Data storage is extremely secure in terms of security, so there will be no individual or group to destroy or tamper with the data. In blockchain technology, all data is stored in a Mosaic form in many blocks, which means that a single block does not have the function of storing information data. When making a large transaction, due to the uniqueness of blockchain technology, each member of the chain needs to authorize the data, which means all members of the chain must agree to the transaction before the transaction can be completed. Starting from the application of block chain technology, this paper analyzes the most common identity authentication mechanism in our daily life, and analyzes the application of block chain technology in daily life from multiple aspects.
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1 College of Computer Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 610065