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Popular media influences the ideas about science constructed by the public, affecting outcomes such as scientific knowledge, the pipeline of future scientists, and the public engagement with science. A growing recognition of the impact of entertainment media has resulted in public policy organizations promoting the use of science consultants to influence television and film. Yet, even as the overall connection from consultants to popular media to public outcomes can be broadly inferred, the specifics of this chain of influence are not well understood. This study contributes to building this understanding though an integrated examination of the messages and plot intended by the media makers and consultants for one show and how these were 'read' and received by a range of audiences. To achieve this goal, focus groups were conducted with middle school students and non-science university students watching selected clips of Eleventh Hour -- a television show about a fictional scientist. Interviews were also conducted with both the creator and the consulting scientist of the show. Analysis of the data showed that the show creator and university students discussed the cultural contexts of science, whereas the consultant and middle school students did not. This suggests the consulting scientist missed an opportunity to influence the portrayal of these aspects. It also suggests middle school students may be reading the cultural aspects of media uncritically, a deficiency educators could address in the classroom. In contrast, all groups discussed the science content and practices of the show, indicating that the scientific facts of the program were salient to both media makers and audiences. This suggests that popular media may be influencing public scientific knowledge, supporting the concerns of scientists and science consultants about the accuracy of science in television and film.


Science in Popular Television: Comparing Perspectives of Middle School Students, University Students, and Media Makers
Szu, Evan
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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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