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* Renowned writer, critic and scholar Eric Bentley is the inaugural winner of the Thalia Prize, given by the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) to recognize his influence over critics' thinking worldwide. He will claim the award this month in Seoul, South Korea, at a colloquium celebrating IATC's 50th anniversary.
* The 2006 Children's Theatre Foundation of Amend Medallion was awarded to designer Irene Lockridge Corcy; Bella Itkin, professor emerita of the Theatre School at DePaul University; Jonathan Levy, playwright, professor and author of youth theatre publications; and Joseph Rohinette, a playwright for young audiences. The award recognizes the influence of prominent writers' and scholars' work on the imaginations of children and family audiences, and in the training of theatre specialists.
* New Dramatists of New York City has added eight new playwrights to its roster. Tanya Barfield, Adam Bock, Sheila Callaghan, Kirsten Greenidge, Jason Grote, Carson Kreitzer, Young Jean Lee and Chiori Miyagawa were selected from a pool of 284...