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This action research study investigated the effects of biweekly coaching conversations using a common language of effective teaching practices, Charlotte Danielson’s (2013) Framework for Teaching (CDFfT), to guide collegial discourse during coaching sessions with beginning teachers utilizing a partnership approach to coaching. The study was conducted in a middle school setting with three instructional coach participants and eight beginning teachers. Data were collected using qualitative tools, including (a) pre and post professional development survey, (b) coaching communication logs, (c) coach-to-coach weekly debriefing responses, (d) coaching preparation logs, and (e) survey responses at the end of the 8-week study. Analysis of the qualitative data revealed that the use of shared common knowledge of effective teaching practices positively impacted coaching conversations at a specific Title 1 middle school site. Themes emerged from the collection of qualitative data that were used to address the five research questions. The future recommendation encourages the use of CDFfT as a conversational tool that positively impacts teaching practice through a common language of effective teaching practices.


Coaching Conversations: Examining Job-embedded Professional Development Action Research Using Danielson's Framework to Develop Shared Understanding of Effective Teaching Practices
Dubisky, Diana
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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